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BRPW November Presentation

  • 9 Nov 2023
  • 11:00 - 12:30
  • Online Teams Meeting

BRPW November Presentation

The Marks of a Leader: Findings of a National Research Survey About the Key Characteristics of Effective Continuity, Emergency, and Disaster Recovery Managers.

Dr. Bob Chandler will discuss his latest updated survey research findings seeking to answer the question about what characteristics make an individual a great continuity, crisis, emergency, or disaster recovery leader. The results of data collected (mostly nationally in the USA but includes some international participants) led Dr. Chandler to 15 key characteristics of effective leadership which were identified by those who had. experience in working as, with, or under managers and leaders during actual critical. events. These findings offer a sketch of the keys of leadership that are recognized as indicating effective leadership. Dr. Chandler has therefore called these the "mark of a leader" and earlier iterations of his research project have been adopted by FEMA as a key resource for those preparing for leadership roles.

About the Speaker

Dr. Bob Chandler (Robert C. Chandler, Ph.D.) is the founder and principal consultant for the Emperiria. The Emperiria group of subject matter experts provide internal and external communication, empirical assessment, training, coaching, education, presentations, expert witness testimony, brand stewardship and organizational performance development consulting services. Dr. Chandler is an accomplished researcher and scholar, including widely circulated “white papers” on communication during disasters. He is the author, co-author, or editor of nine books and more than 195 academic and professional articles and publications. An applied researcher who is sought after as a subject matter expert and consultant on communication best practices thought leadership. Highly regarded for his innovative models and widely used practical templates such as the Chandler 3-3-30 Rule, 60 & 6 Principle, DA4 Emergency

Notification Message Structure, Marks of a Leader, Chandler Message Map Model, Six Stages of A Crisis, and The Chandler Crisis Lifecycle Model. Dr. Chandler received the 2011 NFPA Ronald Mengel Award and the 2010 George Gerbner Excellnce Award for his applied research scholarship.

Contact Information:

Email: bob@emperiria.com


About Emperiria

Emperiria works collaboratively with clients delivering coaching, training, assessment, project assistance, presentations, and advice on a wide range of mission critical human performance areas (e.g., communication, teamwork, leadership, decision-making, situational-awareness, performance assessment, etc.) using a network of subject matter experts who have advanced knowledge and extensive experience. Providing demonstrated successful solutions for contemporary challenges allows them to partner

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